Use this formular to make requests about our shareware or licensed shareware programs.
Fields with a star (*) are mandatory fields.
Links to all programs (german)
- Alle meine Passworte (nur mit Freischaltcode!)
- Alle meine Passworte-Server
- Anytime
- BirthdayMailer
- E-MailVerifier
- Edit4Win
- FollowUpMailer
- INetCollect
- IPMon
- LANMailServer
- LinkDesktop
- MONewsletter
- MailboxFetcher
- NetStat4Win
- PersonalFax
- SMSout
- SerialLetterAndFax
- SuperInvoice
- SuperMailer, Newsletter Software
- SuperMailer-Bounce
- SuperMailingList, PHP Mailinglistenverwaltung
- SuperSpamKiller Pro
- SuperWebMailer, PHP Newsletter Software
- TrafficMonitor
- WT-Rate